Monday 6 April 2009


International Conference


University of Sheffield
United Kingdom
April 16-18, 2010

Following the publication of a major new edited book in Winter 2009, Cinema and Landscape (Intellect, 2009), featuring essays by notable film scholars from around the world, an international conference is to be held on the subject of cinema and landscape.

The conference will be hosted at the University of Sheffield, April 16-18 2010, with the aim of exploring the intersection between Film, Film Culture, Landscape, Place and Geography.

Proposals** (a 150 word abstract) are very welcome for:

- Single Papers (1 person x 20 minutes + 10 minutes questions) or
- Panels (3 persons x 20 minutes + 30 minutes questions)

Topics could include: landscapes of national cinemas; aesthetics, landscape and film; place, identity and the role of film; geo-political film-scapes; film directors and landscapes; new readings in film geography; landscape and film form; travel, journeys and filmic landscapes . . . And more!

The intention is to build on current discussions with the aim of producing further research and publications in this field.

Proposals can be sent to:

First Call Closing Date: July 1st 2009

**Proposers are encouraged to submit as early as possible**

The conference organisers, Professor Graeme Harper FRGS & Dr Jonathan Rayner, also very much welcome queries and suggestions to the address above.

For further information visit:

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