Friday, 13 June 2008

July conferences!

Upcoming conferences we are attending this July:
MeCCSA Postgraduate conference

Intellect will be in attendance at the 5th Media Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) Postgraduate Network conference. The conference is an opportunity for postgraduates to showcase their own research and discuss these ideas in an intellectual environment. Intellect’s presence at the event will be a brilliant opportunity for postgraduates and other academics to find out what Intellect has to offer!
To find out more visit the MeCCSA website:
The conference takes place from Tuesday 1st July to Wednesday 2nd of July 2008 and will be held at The University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

Screen Studies Conference
Following the MeCCSA conference Intellect will be hotfooting it to Glasgow for the Screen Studies Conference taking place from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th of July 2008. Screen journal organize the conference as a forum for debate on areas of cinematic and televisual interest. The theme for the 17th international conference will be ‘Sound and Music in Film, TV and Video’ and keynote speakers include: Claudia Gorbmann, Stan Link and Will Straw. For more information on this exciting conference, visit the website:
The event is being held at The Gilmorehill Centre, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

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